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Review: Coram Boy at KXT

What an achievement this bAKEHOUSE Theatre and KXT production is. A cast of 15 enact an epic tale that is both a love story and a thriller on a postage stamp of a stage and make it gripping and totally believable. There’s …

Review: West Side Story at the Opera House

With its high-octane energy and first-rate balletic dancing this Opera Australia production of West Side Story draws the audience in straight away. The cast is youthful, as befits a couple of warring street gangs in 1950s New York, too young and too …

The world’s the limit: taking your career overseas

Want to work abroad as a professional communicator? Before stepping foot on a plane, there are some preparations you should make. Dr Lukasz Swiatek, a Lecturer in Communication and Public Relations at Massey University, recently co-organised and co-led a unique international study …