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Review GI Joe: Retaliation

Review GI Joe: Retaliation

This film is a beautifully orchestrated symphony of on-screen action violence filled with an overdose of guns, bullets, machines, blades, swords, mayhem, manhood, and in the case of Bruce Willis’s character, a bit of “cholesterol” as well. GI Joe: Retaliation picks up …
Preview: Adventures of Zambezia (3D)

Preview: Adventures of Zambezia (3D)

Animated movies have always had their attraction: kids love them, and since parents have to accompany them, these movies end up raking in at the box-office. Occasionally a movie comes along that has a new story to tell, and that becomes a …
Film Review: Amour

Film Review: Amour

Michael Haneke’s French-language Amour will tug longingly at your emotions until you give in to its stark but poignant will. Released in 2012, the French drama has already claimed 52 awards worldwide, including the prestigious Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or. Haneke’s controversial …
Preview: Oblivion

Preview: Oblivion

Universal Pictures’ upcoming Sci-fi action-adventure set in the future, Oblivion, seems very much aware of its audience and poised for box office success. Hollywood has long churned out storyboards that venture into the future but, more often than not, take too much …
Wanderers on the brink of greatness

Wanderers on the brink of greatness

Another stellar performance in Melbourne saw the Western Sydney Wanderers claim a fantastic 3-1 win on Saturday night. This time it was against the red half in Melbourne Heart. It was an evenly contested match for most of the first 28 minutes. …
Designs for a better world needed

Designs for a better world needed

Australian’s strong appetite for the arts will benefit from a $235 million cultural policy that ties Australian creativity to job creation. The policy, ‘Creative Australia’ will increase its funding for organisations and artists, employing more than 531,000 people in cultural work. But …