Front Page Archive

Review: Private Lives

Review: Private Lives

“Don’t quibble, Sibyl,” quips Toby Schmitz as Elyot in Private Lives. Sibyl, Elyot’s new bride, has good reason to complain. Her husband is a rakish cad, with his eyes on another woman: his ex-wife Amanda in fact. Ralph Myers brings Private Lives …
Foodstagramming: the new rage

Foodstagramming: the new rage

I’m sitting in an exquisite organic restaurant. My stomach is tactfully empty in preparation for a feast of 14 delicate courses. I sip my water impatiently, participating in distracted chit-chat with my beau as we await the arrival of our first plate. …
Jones more than just a tweet

Jones more than just a tweet

Alan Jones has done it again. In his very own Mitt Romney moment, the vitriolic shock jock was caught on tape telling a private function that Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s father “died of shame”. Twitter is abuzz with outrage at a story …
Review: Madama Butterfly

Review: Madama Butterfly

Tokyo-born soprano Hiromi Omura received rapturous applause when she sang the haunting aria from Madama Butterfly, “Un Bel Di Vedremmo”, at the Sydney Opera House last night. As  Cio-Cio-San, the trusting child bride of cavalierly insensitive and caddish US Naval lieutenant, Benjamin …