Music – Reviews Archive

Review: Against This Weald, Ifing

Review: Against This Weald, Ifing

Days have slowly been getting shorter, mornings have been getting colder and I’ve been pressing the snooze button on my alarm far more than I should; winter is coming. It’s appropriate that folk black metal band ­Ifing’s debut album, Against This Weald, …
Review: Prologue, The Seer

Review: Prologue, The Seer

I’ve always enjoyed the use of bowed instruments in rock and metal. They instill a sense of grandeur like no other instrument can, whether it be the quirky art rock mishap of The Red Paintings, the melancholic doom metal of Kauan, the …
Review: Awaken by Amouth

Review: Awaken by Amouth

Italians are responsible for quite a few of my favourite things: sumptuous wines, indulgent cuisine and eminent suits. With their debut album, Awaken, Amouth have proved Italians are also pretty damn good at writing post metal. Awaken certainly is an interesting beast. …
Review: Sioux, The One and the Many

Review: Sioux, The One and the Many

Like most metalheads, I love a good guitar solo. No matter whether it’s death, black, progressive, post, sludge or folk, I’d call it a hallmark of the genre. What I dislike is self-indulgent playing that serves only to showcase a musician’s technical …
Mogwai graces Celtic Connections festival

Mogwai graces Celtic Connections festival

Scottish post rock giants Mogwai headlined the fifth day of Glasgow’s annual Celtic Connections festival at the city’s Centre for Contemporary Arts on the day their new album Rave Tapes was released. Five songs from the new album were played amongst some …