Carlotta McIntosh Archive

Phuong Ngo: For the term of his natural life

Phuong Ngo: For the term of his natural life

Convicted murderer of Cabramatta MP John Newman celebrated his 55th birthday in custody this week. The Vietnamese-born former Fairfield councillor Phuong Canh Ngo is serving a life sentence for the shooting murder of Austrian-born Cabramatta MP John Newman. Ngo has spent 15 …
Review: Pussy Riot – A Punk Prayer

Review: Pussy Riot – A Punk Prayer

If you want to get an insight into Putin’s Russia check out Pussy Riot – A Punk Prayer, a documentary by a British and a Russian director about the official reaction to a performance by female punk band Pussy Riot in a Russian Orthodox cathedral …
Head On Photo Festival: Aunty Barb holds her own

Head On Photo Festival: Aunty Barb holds her own

Barbara McGrady, or aunty Barb, as she is affectionately known in the indigenous community around Sydney, is a featured artist in the annual Head On Photo Festival. McGrady’s exhibition, Visions in Black and White – Images from Indigenous Australia, is on show …
Anzac Day marked in Redfern

Anzac Day marked in Redfern

In Sydney today Indigenous prisoners of war were honoured in the annual indigenous Anzac March from Redfern Park to the Block. More than 400 people turned up to witness what has now become a perennial ceremony. The day began with the traditional …
Review: Madama Butterfly

Review: Madama Butterfly

Tokyo-born soprano Hiromi Omura received rapturous applause when she sang the haunting aria from Madama Butterfly, “Un Bel Di Vedremmo”, at the Sydney Opera House last night. As  Cio-Cio-San, the trusting child bride of cavalierly insensitive and caddish US Naval lieutenant, Benjamin …
Debut film wins global acclaim

Debut film wins global acclaim

When Brazilian film maker Kleber Mendonca Filho started filming the middle class street he lives in, he could not have imagined his first feature film would bring so much international acclaim. Now at the Sydney Film Festival, Neighbouring Sounds has already been …

Gallery – 2012 Sydney Film Festival

The paparazzi went wild when the Mabo family descended on the State Theatre last Thursday June 7 for the Sydney Film Festival premiere of the film Mabo, directed by Rachel Perkins.  Centre stage was Eddie Mabo’s widow, Bonita Mabo, surrounded by a …
Review: Mabo

Review: Mabo

As I watched the film Mabo at its premiere at the Sydney Film Festival on Thursday June 7, I felt both ashamed and proud. Ashamed at how white Australians had treated the Aboriginal people after expropriating their land and claiming it was …