MegaphoneOZ is an independent online community for journalists and journalism students worldwide. Its aim is to provide entertaining and informative stories and multimedia content that display a strong commitment to journalistic ethics and the public interest.
Always aim to provide the first draft of history
Publisher/Editor: Pam Walker
Editorial Director, University of Sydney; Editor-in-chief Salience, Discipline of Media and Communications, Campus Editor The Junction University of Sydney; Associate Lecturer in Media and Communications, University of Sydney; freelancer The South China Morning Post; editor The Fairfield Advance, News Limited; journalist and editor at Courier Newspapers (Group Arts Editor, inaugural editor Central, editor and news editor The Wentworth Courier), editor The Glebe (Cumberland); journalist Fairfax Community Newspapers (the Fairfield City Champion); editor AMG publications The City Hub, The Bondi View, The City News; communications teacher at Sydney TAFE; Former media adviser for City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore.
Site Admin: Michael Scattergood
Former journalist and photographer for AMG publications The City Hub, The Bondi View, The City News, freelance author and Webcartoonist, freelance website host and developer.
Ilaria Bettinelli in Milan
A Public Relations and Advertising graduate, Ilaria is now completing a Master in Business, Media and Organizational Communication at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. In her five years of university, she has studied in Belgium (Gent), USA (New York) and Australia (Sydney) and is now interning as an account assistant at an international advertising agency. Ilaria is a restless traveller, deeply in love with nature and the multicultural bouquet of this world.
Sport: Matthew Persley
Matthew has been thinking, reading and writing about sport since his childhood in suburban Brisbane. He suffered through years of Bear’s defeats to finally bask in the Lion’s victories and then once again fall into a depression. A lover of all sports, but sadly master of none, Matthew shares his opinions here.
Lynne Trunzo
Lynne is ever the adventurer. A songwriter/musician and lawyer by trade, her passion for art, food and travel sees her constantly seek out the unusual, the left of centre and the path less travelled. She has worked for street press including The Drum Media and hosted a Current Affairs Program and an Australian Music Show on local radio stations 2SER and 2RDJ. Her band is no stranger to sell out crowds and she has also performed in Europe, Asia and North America.
Music: Lucy Kiely
Lucy Kiely completed her Bachelor of Arts with a major in music in 2012 and is now completing a Master of Media Practice, both at the University of Sydney. She has a longstanding interest in human rights issues. Lucy is also a jazz singer and performs regularly with her own band.
Joseph Rana
A Master of Media Practice and Master of Strategic Public Relations graduate from the University of Sydney—and an Architect —Joseph is now Director of Public Relations at Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE Sydney Uni). A keen observer of India-Australia relations, he has expertise in international business development and global culture. A self-acknowledged workaholic, Joseph is in the home stretch of finishing his first book.
Erin Holohan
Erin studied a Bachelor of Arts in English and Psychology at Sydney University before deciding to pursue a writing career. A recent Masters of Media Practice graduate, she loves all things music, art, theatre and film. This passion now sees her running a Sydney-based culture blog with two friends.
Goran Tomic
I have been a working performance/video and collage artist for the past 5 years in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. My work has been called visceral, raw and engaging while serene. I like to consider myself a Visual Collisionist. My aim is to express, in whatever medium, the loss of connection to oneself, the otherness within, the beauty of awkwardness and the collision of change. I am interested in the “Now”…a prepast suspended present.
Melodee Deng
Melodee is close to finishing a Master of Media Practice at the University of Sydney. She has completed a Bachelor of Arts in China, majoring in English Language and Literature. Her love of English has extended to a passion for translating and she has been working as a freelance translator for three years. She also enjoys travelling, reading and good food.
Winsome Walker
Winsome is a Media and Communications student at the University
of Sydney, with majors in Film Studies and Performance Studies.
She works part-time at WHO Magazine, is a freelance writer and interned at the Walkley Awards. A film and theatre aficionado, she has a secret love for daytime television.
Todd Holbrook in Phoenix, Arizona
A healthcare marketing communications specialist in the USA, Todd received his Master of Strategic Public Relations at the University of Sydney. He also went to the Brigham Young University in Utah, USA. Father to a gorgeous little boy, Todd finds ways to raise a family while always looking for adventure and ways to meet and learn from new people.
Alexandra McDonald
Alexandra is Kiwi-born and has an academic background in international business, politics, media and communications. She has a passion for people, travel, arthouse films and good food, and is a self confessed bookworm. She loves to write about all of the above and particularly enjoys using people’s personal experiences to give heart to topical issues.
Stephanie Hansen
Stephanie is currently a Media and Communications student at the University of Sydney, and is majoring in Government and International Relations and Gender Studies. She also finds time to work as a freelance writer and pursue her passionate love of film, theatre and international politics.
Leonie Hellmers
Leonie is communications manager for Intersect Australia. She has worked in the digital realm for 17 years: with the National Portrait Gallery, National Gallery of Australia, Fairfax, Brainwaave Interactive, founding the Dictionary of Australian Artists Online (Design and Art Australia Online) in 2007. She has delivered communication solutions for the Australia Council, Australian Heritage Commission and the private sector, and worked extensively as a journalist, broadcaster and reviewer. Leonie has a BA in Fine Arts, Literature and Politics from the University of Sydney.
Sue Ann Muller
Sue Ann is a journalist and photographer interested in social justice, film and book reviews, travel and families. She has had an eclectic career working in museums, marine conservation and supporting families who have adopted children from overseas, as well as volunteering in India and Africa. Sue Ann has a blog featuring her writing and photography
Self-described trouble maker, anarchist and aspiring hustler, Carlotta is a journalist of the old school. For more than 20 years she endeavoured to inform and entertain, producing reports for ABC Radio from South East Asia, and as a staff reporter on the Illawarra Mercury and Fairfax Community Newspapers. Now retired she wants to impress on young journalists the need to respect the journalist’s code of ethics and to remember that journalists are not players, simply observers who should try their best to get the story and to get it right.
Camille Manley
Camille completed a Bachelor of Design at the College of Fine Arts, University of NSW and has worked in the media, arts and events industries as a graphic designer for more than five years. With a strong passion and a broad taste in music, she also writes, designs and blogs about music and is rarely without her headphones.
Rafael Garcia
Rafael is a freelance journalist with a passion for broadcasting and online media, currently completing a Master of Media Practice at the University of Sydney. With a current career in Business Consulting, his interests range from business to social justice, giving voice to the voiceless. Rafael’s work has been published in Sydney local newspaper The Bondi View and leading gay and lesbian news and lifestyle site SameSame. Brazilian by birth and Australian by choice, Rafael shares his views on Twitter @RafaelGarciaRG.
Aimee Meredith
Aimee is a health communicator, “nutritionista”, cafe lurker, exercise enthusiast and keen observer of the quirkier aspects of life. She gets a natural high on all things delicious and nutritious, and loves to eat! Add to that a dash of humour and a penchant for dipping her hand into the mixed raw chocolate box of fitness and holistic wellbeing practice. Aimee has completed a BA Public Communication (PR stream) and a Master of Health Communication at Sydney University. A proud member of a fabulous healthy breakfast club, she loves ocean swims, random acts of kindness, old couples, cute cafes and long walks by the water. Heaps of Likes on her articles make her do the happy dance!
Sports Editor Jimmy Rayne
Jimmy has been involved in football for over 25 years. A player with Rockdale City Suns in Australia, he trained under former Socceroos coaches Rale Rasic and Frank Arok. He also played for Hendon FC and Borehamwood FC in England where he had trials with then Premier League Clubs Charlton Athletic FC and Watford FC. Jimmy attended UEFA B Licence training at the English FA before a UK permit issue saw him return to Australia where he has conducted group clinics as well as one-on-one training with youth players.

Alison Howlett
Alison is a currently completing a Master of Media Practice degree at the University of Sydney and is an HR professional at the Seven Network.
She hopes to pursue a career in journalism and has a preference for the fields of politics and industrial relations. She would also love to write about her passion for food and movies.

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