Major League Baseball is a hit in Sydney

Major League Baseball on the hallowed turf of the SCG Photo:Simon_sees

Sydney was besieged with baseball fever over the weekend when its beloved Sydney Cricket Ground was converted into a shrine to baseball as it accommodated the opening series of the US 2014 Major League Baseball season.

America’s favourite pastime was welcomed by 80,000 fans attending games on Saturday night and on Sunday, the first seen on Australian shores since 1914.

Back then it was an exhibition game, played at the same venue, between the New York Giants and the Chicago White Sox that piqued local interest. But it was fans of the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Arizona Diamondbacks that were the lucky recipients of the special visit this time around.

It just wouldn’t be baseball without some Cracker Jack popcorn Photo:dennisandluba

The buzz around Sydney had been building with great anticipation in the week leading up to the games. When the Diamondbacks and Dodgers finally came out to play, the occasion did not disappoint.

From the imported clay that converted the SCG to the imported food that made the experience all the more authentic, the sights, the sounds and the atmosphere transported fans to one of the many major league grounds all over the US.

The fact that neither of the games was as drama charged as they so often can be did not detract from the entertainment value. Many locals quickly adapted to the rules of the game and it was easy to appreciate the finer side of the contest that requires similar dexterity to cricket.

The level of professionalism, athleticism and skill that the players have honed through their craft is of the highest quality. The sheer consistency of the pitching and the near flawless fielding in particular was something to be marvelled at.

The games were definitely something special and fans will undoubtedly look forward to MLB’s return to Australia. MLB Commissioner Bud Selig let it be known that it wasn’t a matter of “if, but when” the MLB will be back thanks to the success of this visit. And let’s hope they bring a lot more of their irresistible Cracker Jack popcorn with them when they return.



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