Review: This is the End

Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, Emma Watson and Aziz Ansari

Seth Rogen’s vivid imagination sucks in the viewer, transporting him to Los Angeles, once a bejewelled city, now metamorphosed into one big hell of fire, cannibals and insanity as the Almighty grasps the Universe in His hands to end it all.

Jesus! It is all rolled into one: obscenity, alcohol overload, drugs and the Holy Bible!

God’s sudden sounding of the Parting Gong amidst the revellers who are busy having a field day with the biggies of Hollywood is nothing short of gripping, even hair-raising. For lo and behold the good souls are sucked up through a blue light leaving unscathed the Pent-arch: the crafty James Franco, the self-effacing Jay Baruchel, the tottering and wavering Rogen, the lost-in-the-woods Craig Robinson and that arrogant Jonah Hill.

Together with Evan Goldberg, Rogen successfully pulls off this strange mix of hilarity and obscenity. He finally draws the curtain with fantastic cameos thrown in for good measure, albeit some lasting more than a mere second, by Danny McBride, Emma Watson, Michael Cera, Rihanna, Channing Tatum, and not to leave out the house of power, the Backstreet Boys.

An awesome tale of bloody violence decked in funny refinery, This is the End captures the viewer’s eye, its ‘Websterian’ goriness notwithstanding– like the blood-spattered head serving as a football or people relishing their own piss.

The devils have a field day in this inferno, the no longer glamorous city now a flaming furnace while you-know-who is hell-bent to woo-‘n-rape Jonah Hill, and transform him into one of his own.

No holds barred, This is the End is a raunchy bone tickling sojourn of mindless-masterminds who have no option but to be drunk on the milk of human kindness, hope and faith in order to survive the apocalypse.

The movie releases in Australian cinemas on July 18.

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