Books Archive

Review: The Dreamers, Karen Thompson Walker

Ebola, swine flu, SARS: we’ve seen many epidemics erupt in recent times, resulting in scores of deaths around the world. What we haven’t seen is a contagion resulting in deep, dream-filled sleep. Yet this is the calamity that befalls a small American …

Review: According to Yes, Dawn French

A British nanny glides into a regimented family, upending its members’ structured lives and rigid routines. This may sound like a Mary Poppins scenario, but it isn’t. This is Dawn French’s new novel According to Yes: an often-gritty and poignant account of …

Behind the Quiet Fences

Emerging young writer Rogelio Alfonzo Mendoza has an abundance of energy and imagination. Born in Venezuela and now living in Sydney, Australia, Mendoza is tomorrow launching his new book Behind the Quiet Fences. The attraction to the thriller genre goes back many …